The HyperRocket is a lightweight, aerodynamic, 3 Wheel Motorcycle. It is not an automobile and may not meet automotive safety standards. After state and local regulations, the choice of wearing a helmet and eye protection is strongly recommended. Don’t drink and drive.
Pricing: Prices, descriptions, and specifications are subject to change without notice. They will be finalized prior to the execution of the purchase agreement.
Titling/Registration and applicable state laws: HyperRocket LLC is a manufacturer of Battery Electric auto-cycles / motorcycles. We can not ensure whether HyperRocket LLC will comply with all individual state laws for its use. Please know your state laws and regulations before purchasing a vehicle from HyperRocket LLC.

MSRP $34880 plus tax and destination
To reserve your HyperRocket LLC and position in the delivery schedule, submit a $200 fully refundable deposit today.
Contact HyperRocket LLC
[email protected]